Second member of the Max Generation, STA R Max is an analyser designed for high volume laboratories. Innovative and scalable, it adapts to all lab organisations.
Innovative and scalable, the STA R Max adapts to all lab organisations, connected to an automation track system or not; and brings productivity and reliability to laboratories for their routine and specialised haemostasis assays.
- Highest loading capacities to enhance the walkaway capabilities: 215 samples, 70 reagent positions, 1000 cuvettes on board
- True STAT management to ensure fast TAT
- Autoverification capabilities
- TAT report to monitor performances
- Ready to operate – 24/7 availability and no time required to restart.
- New hardware design to enhance ergonomics of use
- Intuitive user interface ensuring a seamless integration for the laboratory staff
Expert rules available on demand - Extended traceability that meets quality requirements
- Innovative services: support to accreditation, remote diagnosis.
- Viscosity-Based (Mechanical) Detection System enabling immediate delivery of accurate and precise results
- Insensitivity to any type of coloured plasma
- Maximum precision for weak clot detection
- Standardisation between Stago systems
- Quality of reagents offering maximum sensitivity and reproducibility for all tests
- Environmentally friendly design providing economic savings: limited and contained fluidic waste system and reduction of disposable waste (1 cuvette = 1 test)
- Adaptability to all labs organisation: automation ready, no modifications required and same performance in standalone or connected to TLAs
- Common tubes size accepted with automatic positioning of barcode
- Wide range of dedicated reagents, quality controls and calibrators.