STA®-ImmunoDef VIII & STA®-ImmunoDef IX

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As part of Stago's continuous improvement commitment, STA®-ImmunoDef VIII* & STA®-ImmunoDef IX* kits have been developed as a new generation of Deficient Plasmas with enhanced performances. Factors VIII and IX measurement allows characterising clinically significant conditions such as Haemophilia A and B. Robust and reliable reagents should be available for an easier daily laboratory practice.

Haemophilia A is the most common of the serious haemorrhagic diseases. It is caused by a deficiency in factor VIII (anti-haemophilia factor A) and affects around 1 in 5000 male infants at birth.

Haemophilia B is a disease caused by a congenital deficiency in factor IX (anti-haemophilia factor B) that affects around one in 30 000 male infants at birth.

Optimum analytical performance for even more reliable patient results is achieved thanks to extended working range with one calibration curve, perfect correlation of low patient results and very good precision on the entire working range. 

Adapted reagents whatever the clinical context, especially for the diagnosis and monitoring of haemophilia

  • Reagents on board stability extended to 8 hours
  • Stability and robustness of calibrations: no systematic calibration needed

Efficient reagents for an easier laboratory practice

These reagents comply with current international guidelines:

  • Calibrators & controls assayed against WHO International Standards for standardized results
  • Residual activity of immunodepleted factor < 1% ensures reliability for patient's with low results
  • Other coagulation factors at normal levels for specific measurements
  • Addition of VWF (STA®-ImmunoDef VIII) adapted to Bethesda and Nijmegen inhibitor assays
  STA®-ImmunoDef VIII – Cat. Nr 00728 STA®-ImmunoDef IX – Cat. Nr. 00734
Packaging 6 x 1 mL 6 x 1 mL
APTT reagents STA®- C.K. Prest® (Cat.Nr. 00597) STA®-C.K. Prest® (Cat.Nr. 00597)
Calibrator STA®-Unicalibrator (Cat.Nr. 00675) STA®-Unicalibrator (Cat.Nr. 00675)
Quality Control STA®-System Control N & P (Cat.Nr. 00678) STA®-System Control N & P (Cat.Nr. 00678)
On board stability for STA-R® and STA Compact® line analysers 8 h 8 h
Working range on  STA-R® and STA Compact® line analysers 0.7 – 400% 0.7 – 300%

* Availability depending upon the country